Ratan Day Jodi Chart

Mo Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
38 49 18 41 29 57 90
69 26 08 11 68 93 50
69 12 04 85 00 95 88
74 42 54 07 14 22 68
24 17 81 98 40 79 41
90 86 56 56 73 93 90
75 03 32 96 06 12 32
23 93 40 09 47 16 70
92 51 30 79 74 59 97
69 99 03 14 80 86 29
13 13 42 87 90 50 11
05 46 24 03 14 86 66
31 26 13 03 33 14 53
58 84 76 50 27 71 50
93 80 57 37 62 41 94
54 86 10 28 92 30 16
71 36 92 52 00 41 89
39 17 37 95 19 42 14
84 57 54 23 62 02 43
95 04 25 10 87 16 48
29 18 05 62 86 91 22
42 81 07 81 07 62 99
07 92 91 34 01 92 83
34 12 08 63 61 54 03
51 84 08 29 72 71 26
25 32 67 71 43 95 34
19 85 96 42 18 51 21
28 32 48 15 31 93 88
24 04 57 42 92 15 32
28 35 07 46 18 70 19
80 47 84 21 69 50 72
10 41 65 24 55 23 99
74 57 27 19 38 24 97
14 85 73 08 40 28 29
81 60 54 91 37 25 99
17 21 53 86 75 97 11
04 85 45 20 34 60 62
11 08 24 61 87 17 55
29 41 35 81 91 63 80
01 12 92 60 82 54 70
51 82 68 02 50 81 41
21 86 04 37 14 57 51
75 20 93 53 77 96 99
13 59 64 84 35 03 28
73 90 20 95 79 30 19
49 37 92 13 47 02 47
51 97 88 91 25 63 30
14 24 34 51 85 21 05
87 68 02 87 45 39 84
13 03 14 52 60 89 71
42 10 84 62 03 52 53
73 91 20 40 84 64 98

Hi everyone, I greet you on our platform Dpboss.Services and today I am here to introduce you to another very important chart of the Jodi Group. This is the Ratan Day Jodi Chart, as the name suggests, it's from the Ratan Market and there are the results in the form of Jodi for the games which are played in the sunlight of the day.

There are lots of games that are played in the Ratan Market in the daytime and all the results are here in the form of Jodi in this chart. This is not only a chart to show you the recent game results, but this chart also works as a historical data record, a historical online data record for the Ratan Day Jodi Chart.

Okay, so everything is here in front of you. If you see the chart, there are 7 columns for 7 days of the week. It starts on Monday, then Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and there are some Jodis that are assigned in each cell of the table.

You can see there are some Jodis in every row. They are written with the default color and there are some Jodis that are written with a unique color which are highlighted. These are the winning Jodi. So you can easily see which Jodi has won this week and on which day. So with this information, you can easily check your data. You know your Jodi. You can come here. You can see if the winning Jodi matches your Jodi and you are the winner. If the winning Jodi does not match your Jodi, then of course you are on the losing side.

But this is not all about this chart. You can also see the historical data here. Why seeing the historical data is important? It is important because it teaches you how to make decisions, how to choose your Jodi, how to see if the Jodi is going to win or not, and what are the chances of each Jodi winning or losing.

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