Ratan Kharti Jodi Chart

Mo Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Today we will talk about Ratan Khatri Jodi Chart. This is a Jodi Chart and it belongs to the Ratan Khatri market. Ratan Khatri is a very popular and dominant market with a big player base in all over the country. The results are shown here and you can see that most of the result boxes are filled with the Jodis and there are very less blank cells you will find.

It is the indication that most of the games have some sort of results and it is very less likely that the games are drawn or went without any results. So, you can get an indication that this is a very busy market and most of the games are played fairly.

This chart is working as the latest result provider on the bottom of the table, and there is another role of this chart, which is to tell and teach you about the historical data of this market for all the games played across all sessions in the past, on the top you can see there are seven columns of the data. The seven columns are for the seven days of the week starting from Monday, then Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

All the days are open in this market, there are no closed days and you can see all the numbers are here in front of you. The default numbers are the numbers that couldn't win the game on that specific row for that specific day, and the numbers that are fewer in quantity are highlighted with some different color are the winning Jodis.

We can easily detect which Jodi's are winning. So if we see only these few rows of this data on the top we can see the double nine (99) Jodi has won twice. So, this is a very basic indication of how this chart can help you predict the Jodi's that are most likely to win.

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